Archive for June, 2011

Why Penis Enlargement Results Can Differ

One of the best methods of acquiring a penis enlargement method that works is to get feedback from people who have tried different products and getting their opinion on what works and what doesn’t. This is a logical process which we do all the time, instinctively, to help us follow the right paths in life and how to make the best and most-educated decisions we possibly can.

However, when we are looking at the human body and altering it, in some way, to achieve results, many times the outcome will vary with the individual. This is based on their culture, thought forms, opinions, education, familial influences, genetics, diet, health, mood, age, race, and every other thing that makes all of us simply unique.

A good example of this is in medical treatments. Some people swear by homeopathy and it does wonders for them. Other people, however, don’t always respond this way. Acupuncture, too, has variable results. In that, for some people it is the most magical form of cure imaginable, where with other people it doesn’t seem to have such wonderful results.

The same is true with penis enlargement methodologies and this is an important concept for men to understand. Let me see if I can give you a good example:

Let’s take a man who buys a three-month supply of Brand X penis enhancement pills. He takes them for three months and has wonderful results. In fact, he’s so excited about his increases in length and girth that he can’t stop talking about his fantastic results. He tells his friend “Jack” that he has to get these pills as soon as possible because they will, quite literally, double the length and girth of his manhood.

So, Jack gets a three-month supply of these pills and is excited to try them out! After all, his best friend states that he had incredible results with them and he knows that he can trust his friend to always speak the truth. Jack takes the same pills for a week, then a month, and all the way through his three-month supply. At the end of his three-month supply, Jack is left with the same-sized penis he had before he took the pills. What’s going on here? Surely his friend wouldn’t lie to him and mislead him like this? What’s the real story going on here?

Well, that’s the story of the differences in human beings. Again, just look at all the aforementioned ways that people can be different. The fact is, just because one enlargement product works for one person, doesn’t mean that it will work for every man who uses that product.

This includes the various other forms of enhancement products, techniques, and devices that are on the market. A man who has fairly inelastic penile skin might have better results with penis exercises than with a traction device. A man with a certain blood type might have wonderful results with basic penis exercising stretches than a man might have with a differing blood type.

We are all similar in so many ways, though the small differences can set us completely apart from someone else. As a whole, any enlargement product that’s been around a few years and has a good following, is probably going to work for 90% of the men out in the penis enlargement field. However, just because one product does have fantastic results for one person, or even for a thousand people, does not mean that it will be the perfect adjunct for you to enlarge your penis.

Please keep this in mind if you come across a product that doesn’t deliver the results that you realistically expected. Now, if this product is claiming that you’ll add five inches to your penis, in a week’s time, while you sleep, then that’s no one’s fault but your own when the product doesn’t deliver as promised. Again, however, if a product has a good history with good results, but you didn’t realize this results yourself; again, don’t give up on enlarging your penis. Change your game plan and method of enlargement to one that might be better suited for your individual needs.

Understanding that results will differ, depending on the person, or even when or how the product or system is utilized, will hopefully keep you focused into finding that right method that will give you all the penile gains you are after.

How Is Premature Ejaculation Diagnosed?

Before you begin looking into treatments for premature ejaculation, you should understand the specific type of PE that you have and how these conditions are diagnosed. If you have only had this problem for a short time, you likely have secondary PE which is not nearly as serious as it seems. Primary PE typically affects men from the time that they first have sex until their later years. Knowing what specific type of premature ejaculation is affecting you will help your doctor to make the best diagnosis and suggest the best and most effective treatment method.

Premature ejaculation is the most commonly reported form of sexual dysfunction. It affects nearly half of all men in the United States alone and because there is no distinctive variable for how long it should take for you to ejaculate, it can be very hard to diagnose properly. The problem is often just a need for a longer ejaculation period due to the want for more sexual satisfaction for a partner. The condition is much more commonly found in younger men, particularly those who are less experienced and will often resolve itself with age.

According to medical dictionaries premature ejaculation is defined as reaching climax or orgasm before the man or his partner wishes to do so. Researchers use a stopwatch in order to define just how premature ejaculation is. Again, there are varying beliefs on what constitutes premature. Some men who feel that they are affected with PE can last for several minutes during intercourse before ejaculation occurs. Others may simply last only a few seconds. Studies have shown that the average ejaculation time during vaginal intercourse is around six minutes for men between the ages of 18 and 30. You can also define premature ejaculation by how long you want to last or how long your partner wants you to last before you reach climax.

The symptoms of premature ejaculation may vary from man to man. Many may feel that they are affected by PE but can last for several minutes. Your doctor may order a complete workup or physical examination just to rule out other medical conditions or disorders that could be contributing to the problem. PE is often characterized as a lack of control over orgasm and one that interferes with the psychological or sexual well-being of the man or his partner. This is also often referred to as rapid ejaculation.

Your doctor will explain various potential causes of premature ejaculation with you. There are a number of factors that can cause PE and many that may contribute to the condition. Many psychological factors affect the condition. Anxiety and stress are actually two of the most commonly reported causes of PE along with certain medications, prostate issues and a number of other medical problems. Low levels of serotonin in the body can also cause you to ejaculate much sooner than you anticipate. When diagnosing PE, your doctor may order a test that will check your serotonin levels. If it turns out that you have low levels of this vital hormone, there are medications that you can take as well as certain foods that you can eat to raise your levels to normal.

Thyroid disorders, urethra infections and damage to the central nervous system can also be the cause of your premature ejaculation. Again, your doctor will perform a number of tests to rule out these and other conditions that could be causing your problem. If the problem is psychological, your doctor can recommend various treatments and techniques that could help you to teach your body better control over your ejaculation time. He or she may also recommend a psychologist to help you to treat any anxiety or other mental related conditions that could also be contributing to the problem.

Communication is very important in a proper diagnosis and finding the right treatment method. Be completely honest and upfront with your doctor about what is going on. Answer any and all questions truthfully in order to ensure that you receive the proper diagnosis for your condition.

Here Are Your Options For Penis Enlargement!

Want to be well endowed? Most women report that they prefer a guy with a longer and thicker penis size. Even women who say that it is possible for a guy to be a good lover without being well-endowed would generally rather be with hung men when all other variables are held equal. Even pop singer Rihanna recently revealed in an interview that, as she put it, “a guy has to be good in bed and the size matters.” If you are smaller than the generally accepted average penis size of 6.5 inches, penis enlargement very well may be something you should look in to.

There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to making your penis bigger, so you want to make sure you do your research first and go with the right method. You want a penis enlargement method that is safe, most importantly, but also effective, not too time-consuming, and that provides permanent results.
Here are your different options for penis enlargement.

Surgery: Surgery is a permanent solution, but it fails when it comes to the safety factor. If the procedure goes wrong, permanent scarring and deformation can occur, and mishaps occur more frequently with phalloplasty (penis enlargement surgery) than they do with other male enhancement methods. Also needing to be taken into consideration is the cost. For most guys who are less than well endowed financially as well as physically, surgery is flat out cost prohibitive. The typical procedure ranges anywhere from $9,000 to $15,000.

Penis Exercise Programs: These can be found all over the Internet. They claim that you can make your penis bigger at home using just your hands. Some of them sell for a lot of money simply to tell you basically to grab your penis and pull on it for a few minutes each day. They also focus a lot on a technique called jelqing, which is essentially “milking” a half-erect penis using your hands. The theory is that this forces more blood into the corpora cavernosa, increasing its capacity and thereby giving you a permanently larger erection. The reality is that there is absolutely no science behind this practice, there have been no clinical studies showing that this can increase penis size even by a millimeter, and most importantly, it is dangerous. Forcing more blood into your penile shaft than is meant to be there is a bad idea and can cause you to rupture a blood vessel or injure a nerve, among other things. Simply put, penis exercise programs are nothing more than a creative form of snake oil that someone came up with to convince gullible men that they can increase their penis size just by playing with it. I do not recommend this method.

Penis Extenders (also known as Penis Traction Devices): Besides surgery, traction is the only medically proven method to get a bigger penis. When you put gentle but consistent traction on your penile shaft, you cause the cells within to divide and then multiply again through a process called cytokinesis. This cell regeneration creates brand new, healthy tissue, allowing your penis to grow in the same manner it did when you were going through puberty. This is a permanent process, too. Just like you will never shrink back down to the size you were before puberty, you will never lose the size you gain from doing penis traction. The way to do traction that is endorsed by doctors and backed up by clinical research and case studies is with a product called a penis extender. You wear it on your penis throughout the day and it exacts gentle traction throughout the day that permanently increases your length and girth. Traction in this area also improves your blood flow, so in addition to having much larger erections, you will achieve them easier and they will be much firmer, more intense, and longer lasting!

Can Dieting Ruin Sex Drive in Men?

Who knew that dieting can have more affect on a man than simple weight reduction? You may have heard of ineffectiveness of “Yo-Yo” dieting – this where weight is lost quickly and regained again. Unfortunately, this type of dieting effect doesn’t work and has long term consequences. Every “round” of the Yo-Yo means it gets harder and harder to lose the weight – and gaining weight gets easier.

Dieting or a serious reduction in calorie intake can trigger what is called the “famine response.” This is our body’s way of going into “protection” mode when there is a scarcity of food. When this happens our body slows the process of burning calories and it immediately stores the fat we eat. It becomes very stubborn in letting fat go.

There is also research that indicates that this famine reduction can cause several other things to happen in our bodies. Our stress levels go up and our ability to enjoy normal things in life becomes more difficult. This would include sexual activity, among other things.

Stress, weight gain, significant weight loss, illness or other psychological factors may decrease our ability to enjoy sex or even be psyched up to having sex.

So, what can we do? Well, there is one major thing to consider when it comes to our sexual health – our lifestyle affects everything.

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If we are living highly stressed life, if we are sick or experiencing health problems, or we are either losing or gaining significant weight, this can all change how we feel about sex. Reducing stress starts with recognizing all the factors that places stress in our life. For example, we know we are stressed, but we don’t know why we are stressed much of the time. We need to confront what is stress is out.

Then we need to get physically active. All the research points that not only does physical activity help us sleep better, alleviate stress more effectively, but it also helps our sex lives. Start with a walk after dinner every night or taking the stairs at work. In addition, we need to make sure we are drinking lots of water because our elevated stress levels creates lots of toxins and we want to be sure to flush them out.

Sensible diets and long term steps to change our eating habits are essential. We can’t think that eight years of eating habits and packing the pounds on will be shed in 30 days. Be more realistic about sensible weight loss. Cut out the extra calories – a soda here, a cookie there can add up). After all, the last thing we want to do is trigger the famine response in our bodies.

Next, if you would like to have more stamina and increased sex drive, consider taking a natural male enhancement. Much of the time, a little boost in your libido by a natural male sexual stimulate will help.

The Best Penis Enlargement Technique

Penis size has been a topic of importance as far back as written records go. There have been windows of time where small penises were in vogue but most of the time in history men or larger penis size have received more status.

Because of the natural inclination of men (and women) to be interested in making their penis larger for all the obvious reasons, many different penis enlargement techniques have come and gone over the decades. Penis pills, penis pumps, penis weights, penis stretchers, penis surgery, etc, etc… However, most turn out to be a hoax, or at least doesn’t give enough gain to be worth it, and many (especially penis pills) have very serious side-effects that would be very wise to avoid entirely.

The one and only exception to this is penis exercise. There are certain forms of penis exercise which are incredibly effective and absolutely no negative side effects – in fact, as it turns out, it has really positive side effects!

The idea of “penis exercise” has been around for a very long time. In a broad sense, you can even think of the penis pump that was so popular a few decades ago and even prescribed by doctors for men with ED issues due to medical issues (like diabetes) as a form of penis exercise, albeit not a very effective form of it.

The ancient Arabic cultures are usually credited with the very first penis exercises which today is called jelqing. Basically, this involved “milking the penis” into a semi-erect state, but not to total erection, to stimulate the the break-down of cells and the subsequent re-building of cells into a larger state. Jelqing does increase penis size to a limited degree but it can also easily damage your penis if you are not careful – many men have ended up with a very embarrassing trip to their doctor or the emergency room after jelqing so I really can not recommend it.

The jelqing technique served as the basis for the first “modern” penis exercises in the non-Arabic countries. However, in the 1970’s serious research was begun on improving methods of penis enlargement using exercises but this research was relegated to the fringes of science for more than 2 decades. However, in the 1990’s it really took off into a serious field of study and is now recognized as a very legitimate field of research and is done in a very controlled way by respected researchers.

The modern techniques are FAR superior in their effectiveness and FAR more safe to do (entirely safe in fact). Jelqing type exercises are only a small fraction of what’s available today and no where near the most effective.

Many of the modern exercises involve the recognition that much of the penis is actually inside the body and a portion of this “inner penis” can be made to drop down to the outside and stay outside permanently. It can literally add several inches in some cases and at least a couple in almost all cases if you do these exercises properly.

It has also been recognized that a whole program of doing a few different exercises in a certain order is actually MUCH more effective than sticking with one exercise. This is because one exercise often prepares the penis for another type of exercise to work.

When looking for the best penis exercise program, it is very important that you find one that provides VIDEO, not just written text. Seeing how the exercises should be done goes a very long way toward actually doing them right and not wasting your time. You also want to find a program that narrows it down to the very best exercises and shows you in a step by step manner which ones to do first, second, third, etc. You need to know how long to do them (if you overdo it, you will actually stunt your growth and potentially damage your penis) and how long to rest.

Stop Premature Ejaculation Naturally

A very common question that many men ask is, what will help me last longer in bed? For some of those men, it is simply a matter of wanting to delay ejaculation, even though they are not having any major difficulties in that area. For other men however it is having a problem with premature ejaculation and finishing right after they get started having sex. Both guys can be helped with the same tactics, lets look at them below!

Stick To Natural Methods They Work The Best

Something that you must understand about lasting longer in bed is the fact that only natural methods are what should be utilized for this purpose. You are going to read a lot of information in your research that calls for you to wrap a special band around the base of your penis or perhaps to smear cream on yourself to deaden your nerve endings.

Not only are these things unnatural, they also reduce the amount of pleasure that you are feeling while you are having sex. Natural methods, on the other hand, help to build up your ability to last as long as you want so that you can enjoy all of the feelings without hindrance.

How To Start Training Your Body For Longer Sex

As far as the physical methods of being able to increase the amount of time that you can have sex, this is a matter of building up the muscles that can stop you from ejaculating. These muscles are located on the pelvic floor and unfortunately, they are one muscle group that is often overlooked.

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You can build these muscles up by clenching them repeatedly and as long as you start slowly and build up over time, you can begin to control ejaculation within just a week or two.

If you continue with these exercises faithfully, you can instantly shut off the ejaculatory process by simply squeezing the muscles and in effect, pinching it off. It is not an unpleasant feeling and the ability to last as long as you want is something that both you and your partner are going to appreciate.

Other Things You Can Do To Increase Your Stamina

Other easy to do exercises can assist you in lasting longer as well. These will include breathing exercises that can help you to calm yourself down a bit. Mental exercises will also help by helping you develop the right mindset you need to stop your premature ejaculation and last longer in bed.

How Are These Other Exercises Done

Breathing To Calm Yourself- Breathing is best done by making sure that you have breaths that take about 5 seconds to inhale hold and exhale. This helps to keep the bodies natural stimulation levels at lower levels for longer. This simple action can actually help you right away so try it tonight!

Mental Exercises- This does not mean thinking about a distraction like a math problem but instead keeping your brain from getting to excited and forcing an ejaculation. Simple meditation can work to clear your brain as does visualizing the results you want to achieve. Just make sure you do not get scared and question your sexual abilities or you can wreck your chances before you start.

They All Work as One To Stop Your Premature Ejaculation

When incorporating all of these exercises together, you will not only be able to gain control of your ejaculation, you will also find that sex will be a lot more satisfying and powerful. Using natural methods to stop premature ejaculation is worth any extra effort that must be put into it and the best part is the gains you will make with natural methods are permanent and won’t go away!

Men And Microdermabrasion

While gender bias-not necessarily an unwelcome one-is alive and well in skincare where products and services are aimed at women, some treatments are being actively sought by the opposite number. Yes, men are getting microdermabrasion treatments now.

No, we’re not mocking them. Actually, anytime anyone takes steps to better care for themselves: from watching what they eat to monitor their health or managing their appearance to enable them to look good and feel great, it’s a cause for celebration.

Microdermabrasion treatments have been popular with women for many years now. This easy, painless, and non-invasive procedure is a great way to reclaim vibrant, supple skin safely and gradually.

The process generally involves a number of treatment sessions where a patient undergoes a simple procedure that sands off the topmost layer of the skin where all the rough, dried up skin cells accumulate. The steady abrasion the skin gets from the series of treatments will lead to the revelation of your soft, radiant skin.

In the many years microdermabrasion machines have been around, its popularity is bound to spread out beyond the women’s market. Even the least vain of men have skin troubles that affect them. With the wide availability of this treatment and add to that, the popularity of home microdermabrasion machine use, the menfolk are certain to discover it; and now, they have.

Microdermabrasion machine is slowly becoming the favorite of many with its standard factors. Regardless of whether using it withing the comfort of your home, at a salon, or under a supervision of a professional, this machine empowers you to accentuate your worn skin at an affordable price without having danger when undergoing laser surgery.

Men are now seeking microdermabrasion machine treatments for their age spots, fine lines or minor scarring and blemishes. Honestly, who can blame them? The widespread accessibility and affordability of either the professional treatments or the home microdermabrasion machines are too good and too easy to pass up.
Even the younger generation is getting into it. Cases of brothers and sisters working in tandem at cajoling their parents into getting a home microdermabrasion machine have been known to work. Next up, mom and dad may join in too.

Men have recognized the obvious advantages; how the new market will impact the existing one is still unknown. The age of a woman’s spa day may or may not come to an end, but sometime in the future you might be booking appointments for two: yours and your partner’s.

An Herbal Treatment to Baldness and Prostate Problem

Saw palmetto extract is an herbal extract used as alternative medicine to treat various illness. It is high in fatty acids and phystosterols. Lately, saw palmetto has been recommended as a potential treatment for male pattern baldness and enlarged prostate.

Saw palmetto as a treatment for male pattern baldness

In some researches, saw palmetto has been shown to help reduce DHT which is the main cause of alopecia androgenic or male pattern baldness. DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone. It is produced by converting testosterone with an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. For some men, DHT causes the hair follicle to shrink and reduce the lifespan of hair. Sometimes, it even stops the hair growth. The gradual loss of hair becomes more apparent as the hair becomes thinner mostly at the crown area. How saw palmetto works against hair loss is still unknown, but it is believed that it keeps 5-alpha reductase enzyme from converting testosterone into DHT.

If you are looking for herbal remedies to treat your hair loss problem, saw palmetto may be a safe alternative to start with. Although the use of saw palmetto to treat male pattern baldness hasn’t been clinically accepted, some people have got positive results from taking saw palmetto supplements. You may consider this remedy if your hair loss problem is still at starting period. Taking saw palmetto along with other vitamins and minerals will help even more.

Saw palmetto as a treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia

Prostate problems are very common to people of age 50 and above. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a non-cancerous condition where the prostate is enlarged and exhibit some symptoms that resemble prostate cancer symptoms. The most common symptoms are problems with urinating or dribbling after urinating. The increasing frequency of urination may happen especially at night.

What causes BPH?

Your prostate grows rapidly to some extent during puberty. The growth slows down and get bigger unnoticeably. Testosterone is produced throughout your life, therefore, your prostate grows all the time. Starting in mid-life, the growth of prostate has become more apparent as more symptoms occur.

What are the treatments for BPH?

Treatments for BPH include surgery, medications that can shrink your prostate or relax the muscles around the prostate, and other treatments such as radio waves, micro waves, lasers, etc. If your prostate problem is not too bad, you can consider taking herbal remedies to treat it. Saw palmetto is believed to be effective to stimulate hormone balance for your prostate. Health experts recommend 160 mg of saw palmetto extract a day to gain the benefits from its fatty acids, sterols, and flavonoid.

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11 Reasons NOT To Use Hanging Weights

Do you want a bigger penis that is hard, long, thick, powerful, attractive-looking, and even have the ability to last very long during sex? Well, if you want all of those amazing benefits, then one important thing I strongly recommend you take note of (which I had to learn the hard way) is that unnatural enlargement methods are not going to bring about any of those benefits effectively, naturally, pain-free, side-effect free, and without costing you a ton of money.

One of those methods I’m referring to is hanging weights. And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about today. In this article I wanted to share with you 11 clear reasons why I highly recommend you cross using hanging weights as a method to increase your size off your list of potential enlargement methods.

First, What Are Hanging Weights?

Well, these devices have been used for many years. In fact, it’s one of the oldest forms of enlarging one’s penis. Some men have made claims that their penis has enlarged using these devices attached to their manhood. Gaining perhaps an inch, and in some rare cases 2 inches in about a couple of years (yes, it takes that long) with using these devices has been reported. The way these devices work is they are to be strapped on your penis and you have to attempt to raise the weight using just your penis to stretch the tunica albuginea of your manhood.

Now, with that said, here are the 11 reasons I recommend you avoid using these hanging tools and what I recommend you do instead:

1. You only slightly increase length and no girth. This will cause your penis to have that thin weak look. And by the way, women are actually more stimulated with a FULL package (length AND girth)… so this of course also rules out using penis extenders as well.

2. You can cause serious scarring to not just the exterior of your penis, but also tissue scarring as well.

3. You run the risk of developing stretch marks. And stretch marks on the penis is VERY unsightly!

4. If you use these devices for too long, (which you would end up having to do so in order to get any kind of results), you can actually end up causing a decrease to your size over time.

5. There has been several reports of men who have suffered from permanent impotence with using these weight hanging devices.

6. Make no mistake about it, using this type of tool (or any tool for that matter… plus surgery), will cause deformation to the penis. And women are without a doubt turned off by a deformed-looking penis!

7. You run the risk of causing nerve damage.

8. Using this tool (along with clamps, pumps, and extenders) can cause issues with blood circulation into your penile shaft. And guess what? Better blood flow is one of the most important things you must have happen in order to develop a bigger, harder, and more powerful penis!

9. Weight hanging can cause you to lose your sex drive.

10. These tools can cause a decrease in sensitivity with the head of your penis.

11. Using these tools can potentially produce very minimal results in a VERY long time-frame (as little as 1-2 inches… maybe, in as much as 2 years).

What Type Of Enlargement Has Been Effective For Men To Significantly And Permanently Grow Bigger?

Well, what many men (including myself after using a couple of ineffective and dangerous methods) are doing is 100% natural enlargement. This means using no tools, taking no pills, and having no surgeon go anywhere near the manhood! Only 100% natural enlargement can quickly, consistently, naturally, and permanently increase your size and provide you with all of those other benefits I mentioned in the beginning of this article.

Bottom line, weight hanging may be an ancient form of enlargement, but that doesn’t mean it works. As you can clearly see by those 11 problems above, this is a very dangerous method that brings about a ton of side-effects, and I highly recommend you avoid using this method to try to increase your size. What to take from all of this is that if you stay natural, you could permanently grow an extra 1-4 inches to your size in as little as 8 weeks… with no side-effects, with no pain, and without spending a ton of your hard-earned money.

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4 Internal Penis Enlargement Methods That You Need to Avoid

Penis enlargement is probably one of the less discussed topics nowadays, but believe it or not, this is one of the few billion-dollar industries today. This is due to the fact that millions of men are looking for ways to effectively make their penis bigger and longer, which is said to be caused by the high sexual activity in our society. Today, we will be discussing the 4 internal penis enlargement methods that you need to avoid. These methods are associated with great risks, and it would be better to look for other methods before you try one of these.

Internal penis enlargement refers to the methods that are promising to make your penis bigger and longer internally. These methods rely on chemicals or surgery, which are known for imposing great risks and side effects. I hope that this article will help you learn more about internal penis enlargement methods, including the risks and disadvantages associated with it.

Penis Enlargement Surgery

Should we even be discussing why you need to avoid surgeries? Of course, it is a well-known fact that surgeries can cost a lot. My research shows that a male enhancement surgery can cost up to $10,000. Who amongst us is willing to spend this much just to gain an inch or two in terms of length and girth? Aside from being expensive, it is also a well-known fact that surgeries are associated with great risks and side effects.

Did you know that 33.7% of people who have undergone penis surgery suffered from irreversible damages such as deformation and erectile dysfunction? Among the 66.3% of men who gained an increase in the size of their penis, 75% are saying that the price is not worth the results, while only 8% were really happy with it. When we say “really happy” it means that the result they gained from the surgery is well-worth its price.

Penis Enlargement Pills

There are dozens of penis enlargement pills being sold in the market today. Obviously, all of them are promising to make your penis bigger and longer. Some of the manufacturers are even claiming that their products are made from 100% natural ingredients. But can you rely on these products?

Although there are some pills that work, there are more complaints related to the results of pills over the praises that it receives. Due to this fact, it would be better to stay away from penis enlargement pills unless you are really sure with the effectiveness and safety of the product.

Penis Enlargement Oils

These penis enlargement products are promising instant enhancement which can be used as soon as you convinced your girl to hop in bed. These oils are promising to provide effective yet short-term penis enhancement, which will improve the sensation that you feel during the sexual intercourse.

Although some of these enhancement oils work, most of them are associated with side effects. In addition, the price of these enhancement oils are not worthy of the effects that you will receive. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars just to make your penis bigger, harder, and better for 30 minutes or more.

Penis Enlargement Patches

Just like penis enlargement oils, penis patches are promising effective and temporary increase in the size of your member. Most of the manufacturers are claiming that their product is made from 100% organic ingredients, making it safe for regular use.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of complaints related to the results that penis patches can produce. Aside from being expensive, the results, according to some users, are not worth its price. My research shows that there are less people who are complaining about side effects, but its price is definitely not worth the results.

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