Archive for August, 2011

Penis Enlargement Myths and Realities

Penis enlargement is a topic that is on the minds of many men. Perhaps even most men. One of the most popular penis enlargement methods is by taking pills fill with ingredients that are supposed to enhance the size of the penis. Taking a pill is attractive for obvious reasons. It’s simple and easy to do. There are two issues with this method, however. One is: Are pills effective when it comes to making the penis bigger, and the other is: Are pills safe and without side effects?

Unfortunately, the answer to both questions is no. Recently the Washington Post has reported that there has been a recall of six male supplements from a company called Nature & Health as well as a recall of a product called Acetaminophen Drops produced by a company called Brookstone’s Pharmaceuticals.

These recalls show how risky is can be to take drugs of this sort. Some of the side effects triggered by the above products include liver and kidney damage plus dangerously low blood pressure levels. Luckily, it is believed that no one suffered from any of these side effects before the recalls.

These pills were advertised as male supplements, yet the packaging was deceptive as to the list of ingredients. Some unlisted ingredients are known to interact in dangerous ways with the chemical called nitrate, for example. Health experts advise men not to use herbal remedies that they don’t know much about. Although some dangerous products have been recalled, there are still a lot of possibly unsafe male pills for sale.

As far as penis enlargement, no pill can actually make you bigger. Even pharmaceutical drugs can’t make you bigger, although they can make you harder. There is only one scientifically proven way of enlarging the penis, besides surgery, and that is by using a penis extender. This device simply stretches the penis gently for many hours a day. A penis extender must be used for a period of months, but the results can be quite astounding. If used properly, a penis extender can add inches to an erect penis.

However, while extenders can increase length, it is questionable whether they can increase girth, or width. A lot of sex health experts say that girth is actually more important than length when it comes to pleasing a woman. This is because most of the nerves that the penis stimulates during intercourse are near the entrance of the vagina. There was even a study done in 2000 regarding the importance of penis girth to a woman’s pleasure. Russell Eisenman of the University of Texas-Pan American surveyed 50 women and found that 45 of them said that girth was essential to sexual satisfaction–more so than length. He concluded that this was because the larger surface area of the penis stimulated more of the sensitive vaginal wall area in a woman.

So length is not as vital as girth. However, length is not unimportant. Many women also report that length can be pleasing in other ways, especially visually. And many men find intercourse to be easier the longer the penis. Psychologically, increased penis length can add to a man’s confidence, which is vitally important when it comes to sex.

The bottom line is: contrary to what many people believe, making the penis bigger is quite possible–for all men. However, it is harder to do this than by merely popping a pill. It takes patience and dedication. But the process should not be uncomfortable or painful. And many men have reported seeing results in quite a short amount of time, although even better results could be achieved with more effort.

If you’re interested in making your penis bigger using a penis extender, please take into consideration that the quality of the penis extender is extremely important. You want to make sure that the device is totally safe and comfortable to wear. This is one piece of equipment you don’t want to be cheap about buying.

How to Handle Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation affects almost one half of all men on the planet Earth at least once in their lives. If you fall into this massive percentage, you may be one of the unlucky ones who find that this is a constant struggle and affliction which you battle with every time you engage in sexual intercourse.

While once considered more of an annoyance, today early ejaculation is taken far more seriously because of the harmful effects that could have on you and your relationship and your mental health. This problem can strike fear and jolt your self-confidence so that you abstain from even approaching women or pursuing any kind of relationship if sex may be involved.

This is not a problem you have to deal with, so consider these five ways to handle premature ejaculation.

First off, many men experience this problem because they engaged in the same position when it comes to sex as they always do and these can be positions which they find to be especially stimulating. There are hundreds of different positions to try and many of these many men find that they are less sensitive to them. The next time you start to get physical with your partner, think about experimenting with different sexual positions to find one which your partner can enjoy just as much if not more so when one which you can last longer in doing.

This is a great way to handle premature ejaculation because it opens communication with your partner about the problem as well as add this a level of experimentation and displace to your sexual relationship.

Next, another one of these ways to handle premature ejaculation is to enter your partner when you begin intercourse but rather than moving around and starting your typical motions, allow your penis to adapt to the change in environment for a moment and then slowly begin with the typical motions. The change of environment upon entering your partner’s vagina can cause an initial overstimulation in the nerve endings of your penis, so doing this method enables you to adapt to the change and last longer in doing so.

You may have heard this before, but you could also try desensitizing cream. Applying this to the penis desensitizes it so that you can last longer displayed the stimulation which you experience in your partner and from the gyrations. Remember not to use more of this cream then you have to, however.

Also remember is another one of these methods to handle premature ejaculation to never engage in sexual intercourse with a full bladder. This puts extra pressure on your prostate and other organs which control your orgasm and can cause you to have an early ejaculation. This is why often times you’ll find that you had any reaction in the morning when you haven’t gone to the bathroom in several hours.

Finally, most men developed a hypersensitivity due to improper masturbation techniques which they perform over the course of their entire lives without even realizing it. This actually works to rewire your body in terms of how it perceives stimulation so that it can manifest even when you are with a partner. The good news is that even after a lifetime of improper masturbation techniques, retraining exercises can work to literally retrain how your body interprets stimulation in the correct way so that the end goal is that you gain complete control over your orgasm rather than your body doing it for you.

There are exercises to handle premature ejaculation in the short term to give you results as soon as tonight but at the same time there are techniques to handle premature ejaculation for good which take more of a commitment but give you complete control over your orgasm within a few weeks.

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