
The Problems Caused By Pearly Penile Papules

Pearly penile papules bumps, or PPP, are caused by a genital male skin affliction. Even though PPP bumps are not considered a real danger to men or their partners, they do create some underlying psychological issues.

These types of dilemmas might very well bring a guy’s sexual life to a complete halt. For example, PPP is not a sexually transmitted disease. Nonetheless, a man could feel quite self-conscious about the appearance of PPP making his partner feel neglected, although the disregard is unintentional.

You can find an assortment of different pearly penile papules removal choices that can aid in eliminating the problem. The most common medical treatment options are CO2 laser ablation and the use of hyfrecator.

The problem with these therapies is the requirement for hospitalization, high expense, as well as modest pain discomfort. The PPP bumps will require time for healing and can even come back from time to time.

How to get rid of pearly penile papules naturally? Some efficient home treatments include tea tree oil and/or castor oil. The therapy is administered three to four times a day while leaving the area exposed after each application.

The only problem with this procedure is time. It might take a while for complete healing to happen, even though the effects of the treatment may be seen instantly.

Even though pearly penile papules are physically harmless, they can be quite a turn off for your partner. When this happens, it can be extremely difficult for you psychologically.

It is also possible that your partner believe you’ve some sort of sexually transmitted disease. This can be rather damaging for the relationship. At its worst, this can even cause a break up since your partner thinks you have cheated on her.

When a man has pearly penile papules it usually causes them immense worry also, even though there is no health risk to their partner. Then again, the concern is not from a fear of it being a STD alone. It just looks totally weird and regardless of what specialists recommend, it is something that guys would rather not have to put up with.

In the situation where these little bumps induce substantial self-esteem problems for a man, it is justified to begin seeking help to eliminate them. The quicker this can be achieved, the earlier the sufferer gets his life back.

Even though the recovering process after medical therapies for pearly penile papules can be a little bit uncomfortable, it is well worth it considering that you at last get rid of your papules and can start a normal sexual life again. Do not sink into despair because there are solutions available that can aid you with the issue.

Pearly Penile Papules Treatments – Laser Ablation

Even though pearly penile papules are not harmful, they can cause rather significant mental problems for a man who has them.

Pearly penile papules are not any kind of sexually transmitted disease nor they are infectious in any way. They have also nothing to do with your personal hygiene. They are simply benign developments that occur in some men.

Generally, pearly penile papules require no treatment. They can, however, be cause for stress and anxiety. Out of numerous obtainable choices, if you have been checking into techniques for pearly penile papules treatment, carbon dioxide (CO2) laser ablation is one possible option.

The appeal of this treatment option is based on the fact that it does not take too long to recover, and the outcomes are generally rather positive. In this procedure, the light energy of lasers is created by the excitation of carbon dioxide gas.

CO2 laser ablation aids the skin to form new healthy skin. The treatment evaporates the liquid in the tissue, thus making the papules disappear.

CO2 laser treatment is generally used method in lots of other medical treatments too. Some common examples include plastic surgery and specific dental procedures. While there is a lot of experience about using this technique, you can be rather comfy about it being relatively risk-free.

However, you really should make some research regarding the treatment. Ask a ton of questions prior to deciding the facility you want to complete the treatment.

Ask about the risks of the procedure and exactly what kind of acquirements the facility has in the case of unforeseen emergency. Also, find out how experienced the doctor is with these types of procedures.

Even though CO2 laser ablation is a common treatment, have the specialist provide you a thorough examination to be certain that the treatment is proper for you. Keep in mind, your comfort as well as safety are of the utmost importance.

CO2 laser treatment is done as an outpatient treatment. It is crucial to have the treatment done by a properly approved dermatologist. After the treatment, most people can go back to work immediately.

To treat pearly penile papules with CO2 laser, initially the area to be treated is numbed. Then the laser is applied to remove the papules.

Some symptoms that could arise after the procedure include swelling and redness for a few days. Within 2 weeks the area will be completely healed. One negative aspect of CO2 laser ablation is the cost. Considering that insurance normally does not cover this treatment, many patients can not afford it.

If CO2 laser ablation is right for you, it may help you to eliminate pearly penile papules permanently.

Low Testosterone in Men

Although “normal” testosterone levels are defined differently in different labs, most studies define low testosterone (“hypogonadism”) in men as a total testosterone of less than 300 ng/dl.

In men younger than 40 years old, there may be significant differences between morning and evening levels. Blood testing should thus be conducted in the morning, preferably before 11 AM. Since food intake may lower testosterone levels, bloods should be obtained in the fasting state.

Due to frequent variability in testosterone levels, an abnormal test should always be repeated.

Testing should not be conducted during an acute illness, as testosterone levels may decline when you are ill.

Deficiency of testosterone is very common among adult men in the United States.

Those at particular risk include men with Type 2 Diabetes (estimated prevalence of 30-50%), obese men, and men over the age of 60 years-old.

The HIM study (Hypogonadism in Men) provides a good estimation of testosterone deficiency in otherwise healthy men.

The study found that 38.7% of men 45 years or older evaluated during well patient primary care visits had testosterone levels of less than 300 ng/ml. Most of these men did not know their levels were depressed.

Male testosterone production occurs in the testicles.

Production is controlled by lutenizing hormone (LH), a hormone made in the pituitary gland.

Low testosterone levels may result from disease in the testicles (primary hypogonadism) or disease in the hypothalamus and pituitary (secondary hypogonadism).

In primary hypogonadism, LH levels are typically elevated. In secondary hypogonadism, LH levels are undetectable or inappoppriately “normal”.

Measurement of blood LH levels is thus an important test in the evaluation of this disease.

Some men have abnormalities at multiple levels.

Identification of the cause of testosterone deficiency may require further blood testing. This should be discussed with your physician.

Radiologic imaging of the pituitary (typically and MRI of the pituitary with contrast) is recommended if secondary hypogonadism is suspected.

Whatever the cause, adult onset low testosterone may be associated with fatigue, reduced interest in sex, less frequent spontaneous erections, and loss of muscle strength. Fatigue is the most common symptom.

Since the symptoms are nonspecific, diagnosis of testosterone deficiency requires a high degree of clinical suspicion. If you are concerned, discuss this with your physician.

Replacement of testosterone is available via gels, patches or injections. Treatment will often result in resolution of your symptoms with improved energy and sexual function.

Once testosterone therapy is initiated, it is important to monitor testosterone levels as up to 30% of men will require a dose adjustment.

The timing of follow-up blood testing depends on which method of therapy you select.

Since testosterone therapy may result in side effects such as increased number of red blood cells and acne, close medical follow-up is very important. You should also obtain a thorough prostate evaluation by your physician before beginning therapy since Prostate Cancer is a contraindication to treatment with testosterone.

If left untreated, testosterone deficiency may cause thinning of the bone (osteopenia).

It is unknown if testosterone-induced bone thinning is associated with an increased fracture risk.

The evaluation and treatment of testosterone deficiency should be discussed with your physician

Remedies for Prostate Enlargement

You may be surprised to know that roughly about 12% of men suffer from prostate problems at one time or another through their lives. So, the chances are that you, a friend or a family member may have to deal with this problem at some stage. Before we look at the natural remedies for prostate enlargement let’s just take a quick glance at some specifics before we move forward. The prostate being an integral part of the male reproductive system means that any symptoms are taken very seriously by those who develop any kind of condition.

The prostate itself is the size of a walnut which sits below the bladder. It goes through two main growth periods throughout its lifespan:

The first growth period occurs early on in puberty when the gland doubles in size, and the second growth period happens usually at the age of 25 which often results in what constitutes as an enlarged prostate. There is a layer of tissue that stops the prostate from expanding which causes the prostate to push against the Urethra.

This is not often a problem as many men can experience this problem with no harm whatsoever. By the age of 60 it is said that 80% will suffer with some kind of urinating problem due to an enlarged prostate.

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Anyhow, we are here to advise on natural remedies for prostate enlargement so let’s get straight to it.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is a shrub that has been used to great effect as natural remedies for prostate enlargement go. This is the first place to start as it not only works to diminish the inflammation of an enlarged prostate but also inhibits the hormones which cause the problem to begin with.

At the recommended dosage, saw palmetto causes no side effects which is a sharp contrast to the many pharmaceutical drugs cause when dealing with these issues.

Pygeum Africanum

Pygeum Africanum is another great herb you can use as a natural remedy for prostate enlargement. It works a lot like saw palmetto in that it works to diminish the inflammation as well as keeping your hormonal balance in check against future problems.


Make sure to include as much zinc into your diet as allowed. Zinc is a fantastic source of trace elements and studies have shown that a diet that lacks the essential amount of Zinc works to create the problem of an enlarged prostate to begin with. Take heed to this fact.

Kegel Exercises

To improve blood circulation to the tissue surrounding your prostate you should do these kegal exercises 4 – 5 times daily. Natural remedies for prostate enlargement do not come any more natural than these and they work.


Who would have thought that eating regular servings of tomatoes would work to benefit your prostate. Well, it is true, those darn scientists have studied the effects of tomatoes and the natural remedies for prostate enlargement and to their surprise, participants were shown to reduce the risk of aggressive prostate cancer by up to 50% when they ate 10 servings per week.

Avoidant Paruresis

Remember that when overcoming bashful bladder you can choose to give yourself positive messages. That’s what affirmations are about. Affirmations are positive statements we tell ourselves about future behaviors, events, and feelings.

They are a step forward to changing how we think of ourselves and of beating avoidant paruresis. They are not magic bullets but another tool to use to change your behavior.

To learn to do so effectively will take a while–even perhaps a long while–but it can be done. Create affirmations for yourself to counter your negative feeling from the past. Repeat your affirmations even if you don’t believe them.

1) “Urination is a normal function I engage in with increasing ease.”

2) “Men are beautiful and how they urinate is beautiful.”

3) “I am a healthy man, engaging in a healthy function.”

4) “The men’s room is a safe environment.”

5) “My body is fine with all its imperfections.”

These affirmations counter negative signals it is likely you were given for a long time about private or public urination. When the outside stimulus stopped, you probably began to give them to yourself. It is even possible that you were given negative messages about something else and you have transferred those messages to urinating.

The source of your paruresis is perhaps not crucially important. What is very important is that you end the trash talk you speak to yourself and learn to be more kind to yourself. Do not let the past occupy the present.

An example of the power of affirmations occurred when I quit smoking many years ago. I hoped to support my goal to do so by changing the way I thought of myself. As we all have, I had been subjected to countless advertisements in which a smoker is portrayed as attractive, “cool,” or special in some way that was associated with smoking. Knowing this to be the case, I knew I had to change the way I thought of myself if I were to quit smoking.

I kept affirming, “I am a person who does not smoke.” (An unusual instance when an affirmation is stated in the negative.) I also said things to myself like, “I enjoy having healthy lungs,” and “I enjoy smelling fresh and clean.” I repeated this even when I was smoking and surrounded in a cloud of stench!

One day, perhaps a month after I had begun this behavior modification process, I felt very deeply that something had shifted. I said to myself, “What am I doing! I’m smoking and polluting my lungs! I am a person who does not smoke!” From then on, I was well on my way to becoming a person who does not smoke. (That was almost thirty-five years ago, and I have not smoked in all that while.)

After hearing yourself repeating an affirmation 100 times, 1,000 times, you will begin to believe its message. And that belief will be a tool to change your behavior.

If negative messages from the past could have changed your behavior for the worse, why can’t positive, life-enhancing messages from the present change them for the better and help you beat avoidant paruresis?

Good Luck!

I am a man who was once badly afflicted by avoidant paruresis. My “bashful bladder” was a serious inconvenience that hindered my ability to go out in public or to take long road trips. My fear of public restrooms–and of the men in them–was so bad that I found myself severely restricted.

One day I decided that enough was enough, I was going to overcome this “bashful bladder” no matter what! It took time–and alot of practice–but I finally am to the point where I am consistently comfortable “going” in public restrooms in the presence other men. I wrote my book, Pee Shy to Pee Free, so that other men can benefit from my success and overcome their “bashful bladders” just as I have.

Vimax Volume – Why Are Sperm Enhancers Necessary?

Semen enhancer products are relatively new on the market. That is because years ago people were not concerned about the quantity of sperm they release. Maybe because the environment was not as polluted as it is nowadays, maybe because people were not as stressed as they are today and their bodies naturally created enough amounts of sperm at satisfied quality.

However, these days more and more people were interested in increasing their sperm load, sperm quality, motility, and fertility. That is why now there are a lot of products designed to increase your sperm load, motility, fertility, and so on.

Natural, herbal based products are a cheap and safe alternative. If you want a better sexual life, if you want more pleasurable orgasms, more sperm when you ejaculate, a natural semen enhancer is the perfect choice.

Hard working, everyday stress, unhealthy food, alcohol, smoking are only few of factors which may lead to a low sperm count and decrease sperm fertility.

If you feel that your sexual life is not how it used to be, if you feel like your orgasms may or should be more “pleasant” and efficient, natural sperm enhancer is the key to these problems.

Due to its experience, and their professional team, we strongly recommend Vimax Volume not only for increasing sperm count, but also for stronger ejaculations, better sperm quality, and as a potency and fertility enhancement.

Worried about your potency? Worried about your sperm fertility? Feel like your sexual life is not how it used to be? Vimax Volume, with its strong effect, will help and your sexual life will become better and better.

Made only with natural ingredients, Vimax Volume special formula allows you to increase your sperm volume up to 500 %. Seems a little unrealistic, but now it is possible due to their professional team of doctors which worked for years at a new formula specially designed for maximum effect.

Unlike other products, Vimax Volume really works. And, most important, you will see the results within days. You will notice an improvement in sperm volume, increased sex drive, and more pleasurable orgasms. Within 6 months your sperm volume may increase up to 500%. That means up to 500% more pleasure for you and your partner.

Increased sexual pleasure, sex drive, more sperm at good quality, are only few of benefits of Vimax Volume. You will also be more confident in yourself, more secure in bed; you will have more pleasurable orgasms, longer-lasting and herder erections.

Various studies have shown that quantity of sperm released is related to intensity of orgasms, for both you and your partner.

Improve Your Sperm Count To Improve Your Fertility

Low sperm count is one of the leading causes of male infertility that is prevalent all over the world. There are various causes that triggers low sperm count in men. Some of the causes may be attributed to heavy cycling, tight fitting inner wears, sleeplessness, emotional stress and performance pressure. Exposure to heat may also be one of the major causes of reduced sperm count as sperms can only survive in low temperatures. Those men who have been experiencing low count temporarily can try various methods to increase the volume of the sperm.

According to a survey, nearly six percent of men who are in between fifteen and fifty years of age suffer from infertility. Besides the causes annotated above there are also various other reasons for decrease in sperm count. Varicocele can also be a major cause. Also, deficiency of vitamin C can also give rise to low sperm count. There are various treatments to help you boost your sperm count. Herbal and natural supplement is the best method to increase sperm volume. It doesn’t have any side effects and no prescription is required.

Besides the herbal supplements, you can also follow a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle to help boost your sperm count:

1) Include zinc and folic acid to your diet. This will help you in boosting your sperm volume.
2) Smoking is one major cause that kills your sperm. So quit it before it’s too late.
3) The temperature of the scrotum tends to increase when you wear tight underwear or go for a sauna bath or Jacuzzi. This can affect the production of your sperm.
4) Stress can also contribute towards decreasing your sperm so make sure you take a relaxing exercise.
5) Environmental hazards such as pesticides, paint, radiation, radioactive substance etc can also affect your sperm count adversely.

In order to boost your sperm, it is essential to drink lots of water and follow a healthy diet as malnutrition also causes such issues. Most effectively, changing your lifestyle and your habits greatly contribute towards making you more fertile and maintaining a healthy production of sperm. As far as possible, avoid hot baths, sauna and others that will contribute towards raising your body temperature. In addition, using herbal supplements may also be helpful in increasing your sperm volume. These supplements are all natural and are free from side effects. Above all, it is inexpensive and very effective.

What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

If you are looking for answers to the causes of Peyronie’s disease, chances are you or someone you know is affected by it. Sadly we still do not know exactly all the reasons why Peyronie’s disease occurs; however the good news is there are some ways to repair the damage and in some cases limit the severity of Peyronie’s. Some of the most common causes are: trauma to the penis, vasculitis, connective tissue disorders, heredity, certain medication,

What we do know about what causes the disease:

Trauma to the penis

Trauma itself is not the cause but the plaque that builds up in the process of wound healing is a known cause. Usually this is from bumping or bending the penis during intercourse which leads to some internal bleeding. With trauma the disease can develop rather quickly but in most of these cases it can also disappear without needing treatment. As the wound heals over time the plaque deposits dissolve.


Vasculitis is the swelling and irritation of blood vessels. Inflammation can over time create scar tissue that causes Peyronie’s. Because of the slow build up of the scar tissue it may be hard to first detect the symptoms of the disease. Vasculitis can also lead to long term curvature of the penis that requires treatment.

Connective tissue disorders

Connective tissue is the cartilage, bones and the skin of the body. Approximately 30 percent who have Peyronie’s disease also contract connective tissue disorders in other areas of their bodies (according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/peyronie/ ). This connection could be associated with an autoimmune disorder.


The disease can run in families, suggesting there is a genetic link in the cause of Peyronie’s.


There are some medications that could possibly cause Peyronie’s disease. Most of these medications are blood pressure or heart medications that use beta blockers; however there is even an eye medication used against glaucoma that contains beta blockers. Some medication that treats multiple sclerosis and seizures may cause Peyronie’s. The chances of medications causing this disease is quite low and any patient that is currently on medication should consult their doctor before discontinuing their medication.

The good news

Government agencies and universities are still researching the various causes and treatments. Currently treatments are available ranging from oral, such as vitamin E and other medicines, using penis traction devices to correct the curvature of the penis, injections into the penis, and finally penis surgery.

Finally A Natural Male Enhancement That Works!

Do you know? More than 40 million of the male population in America is living a no-sex life? And no, that is not even because of abstinence or any physiological defect. The sad thing is that most of these men are generally normal except that they are unable to attain or maintain an erection. Talk about dissatisfaction!

And if you have a partner, perhaps a wife or a girlfriend, would you not want to occasionally make her happy? With erectile dysfunction, you could be brooding dangerous dissatisfaction that can destroy relationships. Do you want that to happen to you? Of course you do not. With the help of the natural male enhancement called Super Butea, you can leave the group of no-sex or low-sex men.

And age limitations will not be a roadblock to you anymore. And whatever is the cause of your erectile dysfunction, this natural male enhancer will be able to improve you condition. You will lead a happier life with your partner filled with explosive moments in the bedroom. Get ready because this one is ready to change your life!

Safe Alternative To Viagra

And it is nothing like Viagra at all. If you read thoroughly about Viagra, the discovery of the drug is actually an accident and was originally meant as a cure for heart disease. And not to mention, there is a scary long list of side-effect complaints among Viagra users.

On the other hand, the natural male enhancement Super Butea is all natural. It is derived from a naturally occurring herb and it has been manufactured and especially developed to help men with erectile dysfunction. It is a lot safer and you will be able to avoid the side effects associated with synthetic male enhancement drugs.

Tested Effective For Centuries

And while other erectile improvement drugs are only new and start at observation stage, the Super Butea natural male enhancement has proven its quality for many centuries already. Yes, the product is rather new in the United States but the main ingredient used has been in use to treat erectile problems for many years.

The origin of the herb used in Super Butea is Thailand and Myanmar. The indigenous group of people there has been using it for centuries and they benefitted from its male enhancing qualities long before the world knew about it. So what you will get to enjoy is something that has been proven safe through the centuries.

Not Just An Erection Drug

While other drugs that promise better bed performance only focus on helping you get a long-lasting erection, Super Butea does more. This natural male enhancement will skyrocket your libido for more exciting and explosive nights.

And if your girl is quite the long performer, you will be able to match her because Super Butea will exponentially increase your stamina and energy in bed. It will be hours of great time together and you will be able to keep going.

So put an end to your misery right now because there is something you can really do. Even if conventional medicines did not work for you, do not lose hope because Super Butea has helped even men which failed in conventional male enhancement medicine.

Now that you are armed with this information you will be able to make a better decision about the best products for you.

Goodness of a Bigger Penis With Herbal Pills

Herbal penis pills will help you gain larger penis in a very short time. Do not hesitate to use this product because a lot of men have used it and experienced such amazing results that they recommend it to many more men who have the same problem. Now, do not underestimate the fact that women love men with bigger penis. Size does matter a lot to women. They want to be sexually satisfied in bed and not just receive flowers and jewelries. Sex is very important and more importantly being able to get unlimited pleasure is a woman’s ultimate sexual fantasy. So, if you have a smaller penis then it is my advice to you that you immediately start taking herbal penis pills to shake up your moderate sex life. Don’t you want to have powerful orgasmic sex with your partner over the weekend in your big, comfy bed all day and night? Your lover will love making love to you even more when you have a larger penis. Herbal penis pills are surely going to improve your love making.

If you are not sure what a large penis does to a woman then please read on…

Looking at bigger penis makes women wet: Women are also very visual and get aroused by the sight of naked men who have rock hard large penis, they like it better when a penis is bigger. Nothing could beat a huge erect penis. Women also care about other things in men but a bigger penis is a massive plus for sexual attraction.

Women love deep penetration: Women feel pleasurable pressure deep inside the vagina while having vaginal sex. The suction is very strong if a guy has large penis.

Bigger Penises don’t slip out: A big thick penis will never slip out during sex and women can experience uninterrupted climax back to back.

Vaginal Orgasm is possible only with bigger penis: When a man’s penis stuffs and fills a woman’s vagina with rhythmic penetration, the vaginal walls get caressed by its every move. For a woman, nothing could make her happier in bed then this physical ecstasy. Women experience immense pleasure out of this before they even begin to climax. They immediately feel the vagina clamping down plus swallowing up every inch of your penis. The vaginal orgasms are very different as compared to clitoral orgasms. Vaginal orgasms are quite intense and last for longer periods with many more amazing aftershocks that keep coming on and on. For women it is incomparable ecstasy. You can feel the vagina’s sucking sensation all over the head of your penis and your partner’s entire vagina will be pulsating around your shaft.

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