Who knew that dieting can have more affect on a man than simple weight reduction? You may have heard of ineffectiveness of “Yo-Yo” dieting – this where weight is lost quickly and regained again. Unfortunately, this type of dieting effect doesn’t work and has long term consequences. Every “round” of the Yo-Yo means it gets harder and harder to lose the weight – and gaining weight gets easier.

Dieting or a serious reduction in calorie intake can trigger what is called the “famine response.” This is our body’s way of going into “protection” mode when there is a scarcity of food. When this happens our body slows the process of burning calories and it immediately stores the fat we eat. It becomes very stubborn in letting fat go.

There is also research that indicates that this famine reduction can cause several other things to happen in our bodies. Our stress levels go up and our ability to enjoy normal things in life becomes more difficult. This would include sexual activity, among other things.

Stress, weight gain, significant weight loss, illness or other psychological factors may decrease our ability to enjoy sex or even be psyched up to having sex.

So, what can we do? Well, there is one major thing to consider when it comes to our sexual health – our lifestyle affects everything.

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If we are living highly stressed life, if we are sick or experiencing health problems, or we are either losing or gaining significant weight, this can all change how we feel about sex. Reducing stress starts with recognizing all the factors that places stress in our life. For example, we know we are stressed, but we don’t know why we are stressed much of the time. We need to confront what is stress is out.

Then we need to get physically active. All the research points that not only does physical activity help us sleep better, alleviate stress more effectively, but it also helps our sex lives. Start with a walk after dinner every night or taking the stairs at work. In addition, we need to make sure we are drinking lots of water because our elevated stress levels creates lots of toxins and we want to be sure to flush them out.

Sensible diets and long term steps to change our eating habits are essential. We can’t think that eight years of eating habits and packing the pounds on will be shed in 30 days. Be more realistic about sensible weight loss. Cut out the extra calories – a soda here, a cookie there can add up). After all, the last thing we want to do is trigger the famine response in our bodies.

Next, if you would like to have more stamina and increased sex drive, consider taking a natural male enhancement. Much of the time, a little boost in your libido by a natural male sexual stimulate will help.