One of the best methods of acquiring a penis enlargement method that works is to get feedback from people who have tried different products and getting their opinion on what works and what doesn’t. This is a logical process which we do all the time, instinctively, to help us follow the right paths in life and how to make the best and most-educated decisions we possibly can.

However, when we are looking at the human body and altering it, in some way, to achieve results, many times the outcome will vary with the individual. This is based on their culture, thought forms, opinions, education, familial influences, genetics, diet, health, mood, age, race, and every other thing that makes all of us simply unique.

A good example of this is in medical treatments. Some people swear by homeopathy and it does wonders for them. Other people, however, don’t always respond this way. Acupuncture, too, has variable results. In that, for some people it is the most magical form of cure imaginable, where with other people it doesn’t seem to have such wonderful results.

The same is true with penis enlargement methodologies and this is an important concept for men to understand. Let me see if I can give you a good example:

Let’s take a man who buys a three-month supply of Brand X penis enhancement pills. He takes them for three months and has wonderful results. In fact, he’s so excited about his increases in length and girth that he can’t stop talking about his fantastic results. He tells his friend “Jack” that he has to get these pills as soon as possible because they will, quite literally, double the length and girth of his manhood.

So, Jack gets a three-month supply of these pills and is excited to try them out! After all, his best friend states that he had incredible results with them and he knows that he can trust his friend to always speak the truth. Jack takes the same pills for a week, then a month, and all the way through his three-month supply. At the end of his three-month supply, Jack is left with the same-sized penis he had before he took the pills. What’s going on here? Surely his friend wouldn’t lie to him and mislead him like this? What’s the real story going on here?

Well, that’s the story of the differences in human beings. Again, just look at all the aforementioned ways that people can be different. The fact is, just because one enlargement product works for one person, doesn’t mean that it will work for every man who uses that product.

This includes the various other forms of enhancement products, techniques, and devices that are on the market. A man who has fairly inelastic penile skin might have better results with penis exercises than with a traction device. A man with a certain blood type might have wonderful results with basic penis exercising stretches than a man might have with a differing blood type.

We are all similar in so many ways, though the small differences can set us completely apart from someone else. As a whole, any enlargement product that’s been around a few years and has a good following, is probably going to work for 90% of the men out in the penis enlargement field. However, just because one product does have fantastic results for one person, or even for a thousand people, does not mean that it will be the perfect adjunct for you to enlarge your penis.

Please keep this in mind if you come across a product that doesn’t deliver the results that you realistically expected. Now, if this product is claiming that you’ll add five inches to your penis, in a week’s time, while you sleep, then that’s no one’s fault but your own when the product doesn’t deliver as promised. Again, however, if a product has a good history with good results, but you didn’t realize this results yourself; again, don’t give up on enlarging your penis. Change your game plan and method of enlargement to one that might be better suited for your individual needs.

Understanding that results will differ, depending on the person, or even when or how the product or system is utilized, will hopefully keep you focused into finding that right method that will give you all the penile gains you are after.