All men reading this I am sure enjoy sex. Is that a safe assumption? I will take that as a yes. Another assumption I will make is that for almost every man reading this, having a small penis is a concern for them. In surveys over 80% of men wish they had a larger penis. The “grow your penis” market is a billion dollar industry! You can find pills, pumps, patches, and potions all over the Internet. Every one of these products will tell you that they will increase girth and length while they are at it!

Then of course you have you have the very expensive surgical option. These often run in the neighborhood of $4,000 to $7,000 range. This of course often consists of cutting ligaments or injecting things into the penis. Of course this is considered permanent. You may think permanent is good, but if you do a small bit of research you will find horror stories with the surgical option and those are also permanent! If you were thinking of penis enlargement surgery options please strongly reconsider.

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If you really want to get a larger penis, the only real safe, effective, and permanent method is to use various natural penis enlarging exercises. Natural penis enlarging exercises can be found in guides, DVD’s, books, and informational products. Often these natural penis enlarging exercise manuals will give you warm up motions, stretching, and really hard “work-outs” too. Here is the thing with these methods. Miracles will not happen. You will grow, but a penis only has so much potential for added growth. If you use this method it will grow as much as it can safely and without permanent damage.

Before going forward further, you need to decide what you are going after. Do you want more girth or do you want more length? Make sure to start with your end goal in mind as there are different natural penis enlarging techniques for both goals. Stated more simply, there are penis lengthening exercises and penis girth exercises. These exercises are very different from each other, so make sure to know what you are looking for.

Throughout this modern age of media coverage, research, and analysis our sex lives have been highly scrutinized. It has been found that even having a smaller penis is passed down based on genetics. For example a man with a smaller penis most likely inherited that trait from his father and grandfather. Let’s get a little deeper, at that time most women only had one partner. They had nothing to compare to. They did not know that your father/grandfather, etc. had a smaller penis and so that trait went unnoticed and hence was passed down to you. It is a modern age phenomenon that penis size has become such a big issue. Mostly due to women comparing the sizes of their different partners. This is exactly the reason that almost every man in the World with a smaller penis finds himself wishing for a larger penis! Even the though it has been studied that men and women view better performance as more important during sex, men still want to have a way to naturally enlarge their penis. Most men will say that as long as no long-term health risks are involved then they will go for natural penis enlarging techniques. As stated early most medical or surgical interventions carry with them great risk to your health and they should be avoided at all cost. While surgical interventions may be effective, the risk to reward ratio is often times very low and this really should be the last option.

As stated earlier the safest, most effective way to have natural penis enlarging is to use exercises that were designed specifically for this purpose. Besides being the safest and most effective, it is also the most cost effective (cheapest). Before getting started in any penis enlarging technique please visit a doctor and have a full check up. In all cases it is essential to know that your health is in order before getting started on this type of endeavor. While these exercises are not overly strenuous, it may be too much for the hearts of a few men out there. Also consider for a moment that anything you do to your penis could effect your health overall. Getting a larger penis is very important to most men, but never at the expense of your life and health.

Enjoy the process guys and always know that the penis of your dreams can be yours!